We know that there are many types of cells that contains in the blood cell. We have learned it since school about it and most of the people well-known about the types of cells in the blood cell. If you guys know it but cannot remember it, let me refresh or revised back. The different type of cells consists of Red Blood Cell, White Blood Cell, and Platelets. Right now, do you get or your memory remember it again. But do we know where all this cell is coming from? Some of the people will said from the bone marrow, spleen, liver, and some of them are saying the blood are from the heart. To clear this misunderstanding, heart is not producing the blood but pumping the blood through the whole body.

   Generally, the blood cell is produced from the bone marrow, but this is only occurs in adult. We will get soon because we will briefly this kind of topic to a little deeper. Do you guys know what is the system that produce the blood? It is called hemopoiesis. The meaning of “hemo” is blood and “poiesis” is make. So, hemopoiesis is the formation of blood cellular components that occurs during the embryo development until the adulthood which to produce or replenish the blood system. Do you get it about the meaning of hemopoiesis? If you don’t get it, the simple word is hemopoiesis is the production of blood cells and platelets.

   Before we go into the stages of the age, these stages consist of extramedullary hemopoiesis and medullary hemopoiesis. Extramedullary hemopoiesis is a formation of blood at sites other than bone marrow while medullary hemopoiesis is a formation of blood at sites of bone marrow. To make it easier, extramedullary hemopoiesis form blood other than bone marrow while medullary hemopoiesis form the blood in the bone marrow. 

   Hemopoiesis is occurs at different organs because of the different stages of age such when we are in fetus, infant and adult. Let’s we go through one by one. First stage which is a fetus which also occurs in different location because of development of fetus.

   From 19th day until 2 months, the fetus will depend on the yolk sac because there is no development of organ and bone inside of the fetus. The fetus needs to depend on the yolk sac until the placenta is fully developed and controls hemopoiesis. The hemopoiesis generate the red blood cell only.

   From 2 months until 7 months, when the fetus develop pf the organ, the hemopoiesis will migrates and occurs to the liver and spleen. The hemopoiesis generate the red blood cell and first white blood cell precursor.

   From 7 months until 9 months, the fetus can depend the hemopoiesis at the bone marrow because the bone already develop on the baby. So, the red marrow and yellow marrow are present. This can cause the hemopoiesis generate the red blood cell, white blood cell and platelets

   So, as you can see the fetus which is in early stage is located at yolk sac because no development of bone and organ, in the middle stage of the fetus is located on the spleen and liver and last stage of fetus or before birth, the hemopoiesis is occur at bone marrow. Moving to the infant, infant also depends on the hemopoiesis to the spleen and liver until its fully grown and the hemopoiesis process will move or migrate to the bone marrow.

   Lastly, to adults, when the bone marrow is responsible to form a new blood cell through the body at the certain places. It is because the hematopoietic process moves to axial skeleton (flat bones, skull, ribs, sternum, clavicle, vertebrae and pelvic) and the proximal end of the long bone (humerus and femur) completed at 18 years old. 

   Right now, we have done touching about the site of hemopoiesis. Now, let’s moving to how the process of hemopoiesis. We know where are the hemopoiesis occurs, but do we know how the process or how the hemopoiesis works. The rate of hemopoiesis is depends on what amount of blood cell need to produce. Naturally, hemopoiesis will produce a blood to replace another blood. Based on my research, about 1% of body’s blood cell need to replace every day.

   For the time life of blood cell, white blood cell is the shortest life span in the blood cell. It can survive just a few hours or maybe a few days. Red blood cell can last up until 120 days.

   The process is beginning with the pluripotent stem cell. This is the major stem that will divide into two which is myeloid stem cell and lymphoid stem cell. In myeloid stem cell, it is responsible to erythrocyte ( red blood cell ), leucocyte ( white blood cell ) and thrombocyte (platelets). In the lymphoid stem cell, it also responsible a lymphocyte such as B-cell, T-cell and natural killer cell.

   This are diagram or picture about the line of hemopoiesis 

   There are different type of production such as erythropoiesis, leukopoiesis and thrombopoiesis. Like I already mention the meaning of hemopoiesis. Erythropoiesis is a production of red blood cell because of “eryth” is red blood cell. Same as leukopoiesis and thrombopoiesis which is a production of white blood cell and platelets because of “leuko” is white blood cell like leukemia and “thrombo” is platelet.

   So, what kind of production from hemopoiesis? There are three of production which is red blood cell, white blood cell and platelets. But in the white blood cell, it separates into two because one of the is underline of lymphoid stem cell. They called it B-cell,T-cell and Natural killer cell.

   There are also a disease because of hemopoiesis. It is because of blood disorder or compact bone are not functioning.

   For example, cancer of white blood cell such as leukemia or lymphoma that makes the production of white blood cell is alter or exceed compare with red blood cell.

   There is also a disease called anemia. when we are aging, the amount of fat present is increasing in bone marrow. This will make the production of blood cell harder. If there is any sickness or accident because of blood loss and the bone marrow is unable to fill the demand of blood cell to the body.

   If the bone marrow is not functioning or unable to produce blood cell such as anemia, there is a cover to produce a blood cell with the help of spleen or liver. We back to the fetus, it used a liver or spleen because there is no development of bone. So, for the adult, the bone marrow it replace with the liver and spleen.




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