In the previous article, we discussed hemopoiesis and how it is work. For, this article, we are going into the deeper information such as what is erythropoiesis and the factors affecting the erythropoiesis.

   What is erythropoiesis? In the previous article, I mentioned the meaning of “eryth” and “poiesis”. It is the same with erythrocyte which is a red blood cell while “poiesis” is the production. So, erythropoiesis is a production of red blood cells. It is the same as hemopoiesis but hemopoiesis is generated a blood cell which is a red blood cell, white blood cell, and platelets while erythropoiesis is generate or reproduces a red blood cell only.

   Erythropoiesis is begun with a stem cell-like as leucocyte and platelets. Then, it will undergo a common myeloid stem cell to differentiate into two which is red blood cell and white blood cell. After that, they will differentiate into proeuthroblast which is pronoblast. Erythropoietin is contained in the basophilic normoblast. Then, it undergoes polychromatic normoblast and orthochromatic normoblast. Before the cell becomes into erythrocyte, it will undergo in reticulocyte to exceed the nucleus. Before the erythrocyte happens, it contains a nucleus that has DNA and RNA in it. So, that’s why the red blood cell did not contain a nucleus into it. Lastly, the erythrocyte has been formed. For a better view, there is a diagram to make a better understanding.

   How does erythropoiesis work? Well, erythropoiesis is working in a different kind of situation or condition of that person. For a normal state, we will produce blood normally in the bone marrow when we are adults. But how about erythropoiesis when a person is at a high altitude such as a mountain? The mountain has less concentration of oxygen level which makes it a person is hard to breathe because the gas exchange in the lungs is low. The organs need a fast and high demand for oxygen to maintain their functioning. So, if there is no oxygen that reached the demand of the organ, the tissue will become hypoxia. Hypoxia is more like a “death tissue”. Okay, I know some of you didn’t get it. Let me give some examples to make a better understanding. If the water in the river is low, the crop also will slowly die because the demand for water is insufficient. That is the same as hypoxia. If there is low or insufficient oxygen in the tissue, the tissue will slowly be dying.

   How will they generate the red blood cell at the high altitude? There is an emergency that will help to generate the red blood cell which is erythropoietin. In specific meaning, erythropoietin is a hormone secreted by kidneys to increase the rates of red blood cell production in response to falling levels of oxygen in the tissue. For better understanding, erythropoietin is a hormone that releases from the kidney. The reason why the kidney has a high sensitivity is that the rate of oxygenated blood is low. So, it will release the erythropoietin in other to create or produce more red blood cells in the bone marrow.

   So, erythropoietin will automatically increase the oxygen capacity or red blood cells to prevent tissue hypoxia. That’s why many athletes train in high altitudes. The reason why they are just not only to increase their endurance, strength, agility, etc. They also want their body to produce extra red blood cells for increasing their stamina. In America, athletes use this method to gain and improvise their production of red blood cells. 

   This is also not only occurring at high altitudes only but also occurs in cardiac failure that is unable to pump the blood properly or malfunction and lung disease that fails to exchange the gas absorption in the lungs.

   How about if the bone marrow is failing? If the bone marrow is failed, the bone marrow is unable to produce the blood cell. If there is no blood production, didn’t we die because no oxygen will transport to the whole body? Because the bone marrow is responsible to perform hemopoiesis along with erythropoiesis. So, is there any backup of it? Of course, there is a backup. God has created it perfectly and backup if there is any malfunction. The liver or spleen is a backup if the bone marrow is failed.

   If you guys read the previous article about the stage of hemopoiesis, I have already mentioned the production of blood in a certain location. The erythropoiesis will occur in the liver or spleen. When the insufficient red blood cell, it will cause anemia. So, the tissue becomes hypoxia. When the organ is replaced in the liver and spleen, they will perform red blood cell production. It is also causing the liver or spleen to become enlarged because of so many cells contain in that organ which is hepatomegaly. Lastly, the production of red blood cells will increase like normal as usual.

   Okay, let us talk about it in deeper and more detailed information. How about having kidney failure. We know that the kidney is sensitive when there is low oxygen in the blood and produce erythropoietin. But if a kidney is failed so, there is no production of erythropoietin? There is a solution to increase the number of red blood cells which is recombinant erythropoietin. It is an artificial way (not in a natural way) to increase a new red blood cell.

This method also uses for athletes. They use blood doping to increase the production of a red blood cells. For example, athletes who is participating in running need a lot of oxygen in the body. So, athletes will take blood doping by referring to a medical doctor. The number of red blood cells produced by that athlete is a lot than before the athletes took blood doping. Finally, the athlete can run faster than usual because there is more blood cell that exchanges quicker than usual.




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