ERYTHROPOIESIS In the previous article, we discussed hemopoiesis and how it is work. For, this article, we are going into the deeper information such as what is erythropoiesis and the factors affecting the erythropoiesis. What is erythropoiesis? In the previous article, I mentioned the meaning of “eryth” and “poiesis”. It is the same with erythrocyte which is a red blood cell while “poiesis” is the production. So, erythropoiesis is a production of red blood cells. It is the same as hemopoiesis but hemopoiesis is generated a blood cell which is a red blood cell, white blood cell, and platelets while erythropoiesis is generate or reproduces a red blood cell only. Erythropoiesis is begun with a stem cell-like as leucocyte and platelets. Then, it will undergo a common myeloid stem cell to differentiate into two which is red blood cell and white blood cell. After that, they will differentiate into proeuthroblast which is pronoblast. Erythropoietin is co...