
Showing posts from September, 2022


ERYTHROPOIESIS    In the previous article, we discussed hemopoiesis and how it is work. For, this article, we are going into the deeper information such as what is erythropoiesis and the factors affecting the erythropoiesis.    What is erythropoiesis? In the previous article, I mentioned the meaning of “eryth” and “poiesis”. It is the same with erythrocyte which is a red blood cell while “poiesis” is the production. So, erythropoiesis is a production of red blood cells. It is the same as hemopoiesis but hemopoiesis is generated a blood cell which is a red blood cell, white blood cell, and platelets while erythropoiesis is generate or reproduces a red blood cell only.    Erythropoiesis is begun with a stem cell-like as leucocyte and platelets. Then, it will undergo a common myeloid stem cell to differentiate into two which is red blood cell and white blood cell. After that, they will differentiate into proeuthroblast which is pronoblast. Erythropoietin is contained in the basophilic nor


   We know that there are many types of cells that contains in the blood cell. We have learned it since school about it and most of the people well-known about the types of cells in the blood cell. If you guys know it but cannot remember it, let me refresh or revised back. The different type of cells consists of Red Blood Cell, White Blood Cell, and Platelets. Right now, do you get or your memory remember it again. But do we know where all this cell is coming from? Some of the people will said from the bone marrow, spleen, liver, and some of them are saying the blood are from the heart. To clear this misunderstanding, heart is not producing the blood but pumping the blood through the whole body.    Generally, the blood cell is produced from the bone marrow, but this is only occurs in adult. We will get soon because we will briefly this kind of topic to a little deeper. Do you guys know what is the system that produce the blood? It is called hemopoiesis. The meaning of “hemo” is blood a


  WHAT ARE THE THINGS IN BLOOD? We all have seen blood before either from ourselves or others, right? We either injured ourselves from cutting anything like when we were using scissors, knives, or any sharp tools. If you haven’t seen blood before, I am afraid for you because how could you not have seen blood before? Either way, we all understand and acknowledge the presence of blood in our body. Surprisingly enough, blood is all over our body, from head to toe.    Did you know that we have almost 1.5 gallons of blood in our body or for the medical term, we can extract almost 10 units of blood in our body. The amount of blood in everyone’s body differs from each other. The average amount of blood in our body is an estimate because it can depend on how much we weigh, our sex and even where we live. Like I said, it differs because of these factors.    For example, babies who are born full term only have about 75 millilitres of blood per kilogram of their body weight and if the baby we